
Beyond science

Beyond science

Have you ever known someone with an illness? I mean a real illness not just a cold. I have. The moment when the doctors say, “We don’t know, it’s beyond where our science is at.” Is a scary moment. We rely so heavily on science and doctors that when they have no answers we become afraid. Who will help is if the experts don’t know what to do? Where will go from here?
But God.
God made you. He is beyond the science because He created the science. He knows all of it. All of how you feel and where you are at. He knows. He has always known. We feel that means that He should fix us and that we shouldn’t still get sick and injured, but that’s not how things work. It makes mad and hurt when God does not heal, but sometimes the miracle is simply His sustaining power. He is God, He knows it all. He has all the answers, we just need to trust in Him.

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