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Feet part 4

‭‭John 12:3 NIV‬‬
[3] Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
Mary uncovered her hair. She used her most valued asset to her beauty in those days and used to wash the feet of Jesus. A woman’s hair was of such value to her back in the time of Christ. Even up to withing this century a woman’s long hair, kept clean and well maintained was considered part of her dignity. Then came the 80’s and supercharged, big and loud styles, and the surf cuts and the wave cut and then, hold onto something, the beehive, then we wore hair in the lovely pixi cuts and now long is coming back. You’re welcome for the run down on woman’s hair styles over the years. I know we all needed to know that. My point is that we as women have always valued our hair and used it to show off our personality. But back in Jesus’s day a woman’s hair was actually part of her dignity. That’s why it was kept covered. Also, the cover helped keep out sand, they were in the desert. So to uncovered her hair and to use it as a cloth was the same as Mary saying, “all I am Lord, my honor, my dignity, my value, my beauty, all of it is found only in you.”
Mary was preparing Jesus for His death. She was anointing His body for burial. But she also washed all she was away in kneeling at His feet and cleansing them. She showed what it means to be a true deciple. To pour out everything you value on Jesus and to claim Him as all you are worth. The funny thing is, having Jesus as all we are worth is far more important than us being anything on our own, and yet we see it as a sacrifice. The only true sacrifice was Jesus on the cross for people so unworthy that all we can give Him in return is a jar full of perfume and our broken hearts.

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