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Feet part 5

2 Samuel 22:10-11 NIV‬‬
[10] He parted the heavens and came down; dark clouds were under his feet. [11] He mounted the cherubim and flew; he soared on the wings of the wind.
[17] “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. [18] He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me.
This is one of my favorite verses. I only used part because it’s a long one. Here in 2 Samuel we here the prophet speaking on God’s vengeance for His people. David also quoted this text, the whole thing. Every. Last. Word. That shows how loved this verse was.
We don’t often think of God as vengeful. He’s the guy who tells us to love right? Right. But He also says that vengeance is His. The world that accepts that God is real has a big portion of it that feels like God is all daisy chains and sunbeams. But He is the one true King. Lord of all. A King is always a warrior if He is to be a good king. Loving and benevolent, yes. But powerful and fierce too.
I love that God mounts the cheribem and rides out against our foes with fire coming from His nostrils. So. Cool! I also wonder if we envision the cheribem wrong. If they can be ridden then the human bodies we put on them is probably not accurate. However, that is a topic for a scolar and we will move on.
We often feel like our enemies will win. We get to a place where we feel like we will always be under the thumb of those who oppose us. Yet that is not true. God comes to our aid wearing dark clouds on His feet and riding powerful angelic creatures. He knows the name of our true enemy and will throw the evil one, someday, into the lake of fire. We not see those who strike us and mock us be struck down, but the evil spirit that causes the behavior of our enemies will be destroyed. God will lift us up in His hand and save us from our enemies! Just hold on and wait to see the dark clouds roll in, the ones God’s feet stand upon. The pain won’t last. The evil won’t last. God will avenge and save us.

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