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The blood part 3

‭‭Ephesians 2:13 NIV‬‬
[13] But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
This is about us. The gentiles. We were far away from Christ and God and any kind of true relationship with our creator. We were the lost sheep. We no longer look at cultures as non-Christians because, as much as people complain about the crusades, there was a lot of good work done in those day to spread the gospel. Yes, there were bad things that happened too, but let’s focus on the good.
These days you can find Christians world wide, even in countries its illegal to be a Christian in. Back in the day of Paul, however, belief in Jehovah was mostly a Jewish thing. We as gentiles -all who were not Jews- were on the outside looking at these people who didn’t make any sense. Their ways, their food, their dress was all different. We didn’t understand at all.
But God.
It took Jesus coming to make it so we gentiles could be reconciled to God. We no longer have to follow Jewish ways and customs and become, in a way, Jewish so we can have God. Now we can have Jesus and be saved as the culture we are. We forget that God’s chosen people were the Jews, the rest of us have been grafted in by Jesus’s sacrifice.
We have been brought in by Jesus’s death and resurrection. Then, God sent Paul to let us all know that we belong to Him just as much as the Jewish people do. God knocked that man clean off his horse and struck him blind so he would change his ways and become the servant of God who would come and preach to us. When God wants something done He makes sure it happens. If He is calling you to do something to further His kingdom, don’t turn your back and sin against Him instead, He might knock you off your horse to get your attention.
All this to say one simple thing. Jesus wants you. Each one of you. No matter where your from, no matter your culture. He wants you to be His, and He might take a killer, knock him off his horse, strike him blind to convert him and send him after you, so that he can tell you the simple fact, “you who were once far away, have been brought close by the blood of Christ.”

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