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The blood part 4

Hebrews 10:19 NIV‬‬
[19] Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus,

Take me in to the Holy of Holies. Take me in by the blood of the Lamb. Take me in to the holy of Holies. Take the coal, cleanse my lips, here I am. -Petra

I love this verse and this song. Take me past the outer courts and the worshipers and those laying down their crowns, take me past the big party and the table filled with food. Take me past the band. Past the alter. Past the sanctuary doors. Take me into Jesus’s arms.
What does Heaven mean to you?
When I was child I thought like a child and heaven was a playground where we would always have fun.
When my Nana died, what Heaven meant to me was a place where I could be with her.
Later it became the pleasant thought of a place with no disease.
Then a place with no crime.
Then a place with no war.
It was not until I was young adult and had was listening to either Theocracy or disciple – I don’t recall which- that I suddenly started thinking of Heaven the way it should be thought of. It’s preached about like a big party. It’s presented as a place where all your dreams come true. But the importance of Heaven isn’t what it gives you, or the pain it takes away, it’s not even the fact that your loved ones are there; Heaven is important because Jesus is there. Physically.
It was one of the Bands I previously mentioned that made me think of this. Of course I always knew that Jesus would be there and that that was one of the big draws, but we don’t think of that as being the most important thing. And that’s ridiculous. It was one of these bands, who said in their music;” Even Heaven would be hell, if by some mistake Jesus wasn’t there.”
It’s not about the party. It’s about being with Jesus. Take me past it all so I can see His face. We now can enter the Most Holy of Holies where God sits, because Jesus died for us. His blood is our wrist band to get in. His blood makes it so we can run to Him and hug Him close. His blood sets us apart as VIPs so we can come into His presence. And His blood is available for everyone who asks for forgiveness of their sins and asks Jesus into their hearts. Because of His sacrifice we get to be with Him. I am covered by the blood of the Lamb.
Take me in, all I want is to see Jesus.

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