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The blood part 6

‭‭Revelation 5:9 NIV‬‬
[9] And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.
Again I find us ending in Revelation. With your blood you purchased. We talk about the purchase, but do we know what it means? Think of this. You are a fifth class citizen living in a kingdom, you are a slave. Suddenly the king rides out to greet His people, He looks at all around Him and changes every status so that no one is 1st class or 5th, He sets you free. But your old masters argue, many old masters argue, that their slaves are theirs, they own them. So what does the king do? He buys you. He purchases you at a ridiculous price that you know is beyond your worth, then He takes you home to live in the palace. Not as a slave, but as His child. It makes me think of the Price of Persia when I think of our redemption in this way. The movie, not the video game. I never played the game because my uncle who owned had a high score he didn’t want us kids ruining. We still tease him about that. But didn’t the king find the boy, who later became the Prince who saved the world as they knew it, on the street as an orphan and take him up on his horse and take him home as his son? It was a long time ago I saw the movie, but that’s how I recall it. How much more for the King of all to purchase us from ourselves? Because in the end of the story, we were our own masters, our sins which we had chosen were our bonds, and we were the ones demanding a high price for lives we knew weren’t worth that cost. But God.
Jesus felt we worth dying for. He died for each of us as though we were the only living soul on earth. His payment was individual. He thought of me. He thought of you. He even thought of the person who would never turn his or her life over to Him.
His blood bought me. His blood was the gold laid before the money changers demanding payment. Like Edmond in The Lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. We belonged to the witch, to the darkness. As the law of Narnia stated, all traitors belonged to Jadis, their blood was her property, only by the pure blood of the son of the king over the sea, could the traitor be set free.
We belonged to the evil. We were born into sin. Our blood was the devils property. Only by the pure blood of the sacrifice of the son of God, could we be saved and set free.
Now we praise Him, our Lord and our God. Because thanks to Him, to His blood, we are redeemed.

Like the old Petra song, “All over me. All over me. I’ve got the blood of an innocent man all over me.” That’s the only way we can be saved from death, is if we have the blood of the Lamb all over us, washing us clean, setting us free.

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