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I recently watched a really great movie, in the movie The Dragon’s children were killed by people out of fear. In anguish the Dragon demanded a sacrifice from each generation of people from the bloodline of the murderers to atone for what they had done. For each of her children a human would be killed. A reasonable punishment coming from a Dragon.
It was not until later that I realized, we killed the child of not an ancient beast, but of a God. We tortured and sent to die the only child of not just some fake idol but of the one true living God. Why then did God not demand sacrifice and atonement for what we had done?
Because His son was the atonement. For that crime, for that sin, and for all the others. God could have demanded a sacrifice, He could have causes the whole world to be festered with disease and insects and caused us hourly suffering for every human. Just the humans. Nothing else was to blame.
But in His mercy God sent His son to us knowing He would die. In His love He held back all His anguish and rightful anger as the one He loved the most died for our sins.
It’s not that God does not have the power to kill is all horribly, it’s that His love for us and His grace and His Mercy cause Him to keep on giving us another chance. It’s by the stripes that He permitted us to inflict that we ate healed and saved.
God could have tossed this world away. But He holds on for the souls who are not yet saved.
We should have suffered for causing God to suffer, but instead He offers us a chance to be forgiven.

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